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Recruitment Application and Compliance 

Thank you for showing an interest in a position with DG MEDICS LTD. 

In order to work for DG MEDICS, your staff file must be complete. This is to ensure that it is compliant and meets the company, employment and CQC requirements.  

All personal information is kept on a database which is protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

Click here to view our GDPR policy.


If you incur any problems during your application process, please contact 

You will require the following:

- Completed application form,

- Two references,

- Relevant qualifications and certificates,

- Passport sized photo

- Details of your full driving license, driving entitlements & awards,

- A copy of your current DBS or details of your Update Service,

- Vaccination and medical history,

- Poof of right to work in the UK

- Proof of Identity

Click Here to Start Your Application

Please read before starting your application. 

Your Application

To start you application please click the          icon below. This will redirect you to another window in order to start the electronic form. 

Please note; you have the opportunity to return to you application at any time. To do so, please click the 'Save & Continue' at the end of each page. You must copy and save the link provided to return to your application. 


Ensure that you save each page at the bottom of the form.

Scanned Documents

Scan the documents listed to the left prior to starting the application.

Some of the documents may not be relevant to your role. However all of the items with a * are mandatory for every candidate.

All documents must be scanned clearly, showing the whole document. If you do not have access to a scanner you can downloads apps called 'Tiny Scanner' or 'Turbo Scanner' from you phone to do this for you.

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